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Social Media Strategy for Special Events


Working with the organizations that I do – Private Clubs, Athletics, Greek & Graduate Programs – I know that you all host major events throughout the year. They may be member traditions, golf tournaments, the Big Game against an arch rival or potential record-breaking game for an athlete, charity events, awards programs and alumni reunions. These are all special events which deserve extra attention in your communication strategy. It helps to plan out your social posts in advance so that you can repurpose the photos and stories into blog posts, newsletters and other communication which makes the event more interactive and increases longevity and engagement.

Today I share with you five steps to develop your social media strategy for special events. So get your calendar out, choose an upcoming event, get a pen and paper and take notes! Make sure you watch through to the end where I provide my weekly subscribers a free offer!

A brief overview of the five steps covered in the strategy lesson this week (I really want you to watch the video and take a few notes!):

1. Create Your Timeline

Create a timeline for the event. Take into account start time, meals, half time for sports, speeches and presentations, etc. You’ll use this timeline in Step 4.

2. Identify VIPs

Take a look at your RSVP list and identify your VIPs and people you want to feature in your stories. Identify their usernames on Twitter, Instagram, etc., so you can include them in posts later.

3. Understand The WHY

What is the significance of the event? What’s the story? Having a clear understanding will help you draft posts and better tell your story.

4. Build Your Strategy

Create a photo shot list so that you can plan to capture significant moments (think about those VIPs and things like presentations, awards). Draft your posts in advance. This will save you time in the moment. Build into the timeline you created in Step 1 the times you will post to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

5. Delegate

This is a team effort. Figure out who’s taking pictures and video, who’s posting during the event, etc. One person cannot do everything during events of this scale.

Following these five steps will help you during the event to capture magic moments, feature your VIPs, and tell an amazing story.

Do you have a tip others can learn from? Share it in the comments and let us know what’s helped you build your social media strategy for special events.

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